Thursday, October 10, 2013


For now at least. BAH it has been too long, but I promise a new post sometime tomorrow where I talk about some of the political things I have been thinking about. Hints you ask? Well alright then!

Some talking points:
  • Natural rights of the Earth
  • Animal rights, specifically "animal feminism"
  • Veganism
  • The "cultural appropriation" of the phrase "coming out"
  • Possibly the US Shutdown, maybe, perhaps. 
So things will get heated tomorrow, but I do have some other news:

I was seriously thinking about adding a vlog to here and discussing some things specifically in American Sign Language. I am hopeful that adding a pagan voice to all the Christian ones will help Deaf people learn more about alternate faiths. Are there any Deaf people out there who would like to give me some talking points? And for the hearing people, there will be subtitles.

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Calypso! Rights belong to the painter.

1 comment:

  1. I'm new to your blog, so I didn't notice your long absence. :-) Please do add a vlog. I'm not Deaf, but I've studied ASL, and I love to see more of it. And thank you in advance for the captions!
