Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh, Ostara!

Ostara has past (it was this past 20th) but due to various circumstances, I will be celebrating on the 26th. This will be the first Ostara that I practice with my brother and I have a lot planned; so exciting!!

Of course there is always the customary egg dying. I would love to do some natural dying one time with these recipes (OH AMAZING!), but it looks like we will have to fall back on regular dying.

How cool would this be??
Another great craft for Ostara is making egg charms. Basically you blow out the inside and then paint or dye the outside, then add herbs or various items inside. I would totally add a string so I could hang them up, perhaps gathering a bunch onto a mobile or inside "wind chime." It would probably be messy, but would be very good for kids!

Another idea would be to  make some ladybug stones. How cute are these? This is a very easy craft with paint that more mature kids could do, and you can populate your house or garden with them. There are also ideas for butterflies and dragonflies. If you like crafting, I recommend this site! From bottle cap coasters to Book of Shadows to pentacle necklaces and recipes for writing ink, it is impressive!

My brother has also taken a liking to making God's Eyes. If you get some multicolored thread or yarn, you can make all sorts of cool designs. Here is a video that shows exactly how to do it, from beginning to end.

How about a wreathe? Or just some other types of decoration? Here are some more pictures of crafts! That Ostara Tree looks interesting and very pretty. Now this has some very good ideas as well, especially the eggshell candles and the Moon/Sun masks. Pintrest, and this blog for children and this one too!

Maybe the simplest activity I will do with my brother is plant flowers or put a plant in a container for him to take care of. Since we can't have a pet at my place (and I wouldn't be able to take care of the poor thing right now anyway), a plant is the next best thing. I would like to start a Witch's Garden with various herbs and flowers of my own, but perhaps we can start off small yet.

That's it for now; have a great Ostara/Easter!

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